5 Steps for an Easier Foreign Language Document Review Process

Document Review

September 23, 2021
Caleb H. King

For many lawyers, working with foreign language documents is a challenge even for well-managed and staffed firms. It’s a headache to handle documents you can’t read, but it’s also time-consuming to find and vet competent lawyers who can interpret and also translate documents.

It’s tempting to delay foreign language document review, but that can be a dangerous and costly move. Until the documents are translated, you won’t know what you have. Further, last-minute translations can lead to errors and misinterpretations and set you up to miss important information.

More and more, proceedings include foreign languages. Working with qualified, professional foreign language experts can simplify your review process. Here are five steps that typically make the review process much easier.

1. Plan Ahead

It’s better to get started on foreign review early on so that you can plan for the back end of the case and any translated documents you’ll need. Most firms are too busy to deal with foreign language documents early in the case as well as with sourcing, vetting, and verifying reviewers and recruiters.

Using professionals from a pre-vetted database takes the extra work out of the review process and makes planning simpler. At MPlace, we have 2,516 verified foreign language review professionals, including 1,068 specializing in Spanish, 524 specializing in French, and 135 specializing in Mandarin and Cantonese. All of our professionals go through a stringent screening process that includes verifying education, credentials and licensing, and a criminal background check. Reviewer profiles also include American Translator Association interpreter certifications.

Simply set your project criteria and then handpick pre-qualified and prescreened professionals based on your requirements. Your criteria help rule out conflicts of interest, but MPlace also sends automated questions with your offer to confirm.

You can review qualifications and work history, send offers faster and easier, and get your remote document review scaled and operational.

2. Use a Professional

Knowing a little bit of a language doesn’t qualify you or your staff to review foreign language documents. Rather than rely on bilingual staff members, outsourcing this part of the review can save you from costly errors.

Further, understanding a language also doesn’t qualify you to review and interpret legal documents for privilege and relevance. Hiring a translator without a legal education might not be the best option and could also cost you your case.

Document review professionals who specialize in foreign languages understand the intent, style, tone, and nuance of documents and can help you properly review paperwork, piecing them together as part of a whole.

Rather than deal with amateur reviewers from traditional staffing agencies, an MPlace professional has the foreign language skills you need, with languages ranging from Spanish, German, and Korean to French, Arabic, and Cantonese or Mandarin. Document review teams can be quickly matched and staffed with qualified lawyers.


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We offer an ability to assemble teams of vetted professionals directly with unprecedented levels of efficiency, reliability and transparency.

3. Handle Large Projects With Remote Document Review

Data size seems to be ever-expanding with documents that number in the thousands and sometimes even millions. Using remote professionals is necessary to manage these large projects.

Further, understanding a language also doesn’t qualify you to review and interpret legal documents for privilege and relevance. Hiring a translator without a legal education might not be the best option and could also cost you your case.

Working in a remote document review might seem daunting on a large project compared to traditional staffing agencies, but MPlace technology allows you to automate document and pertinent communication delivery. You or your project manager can also discuss information or answer questions directly through the platform and avoid any miscommunication.

The convenience of the 24/7 online platform gives you the access and peace of mind you need to scale and automate your large project.

4. Manage Time and Budgets

Budgets are key to your project and it’s easy to blow the budget quickly with interpretation mistakes and recruiter costs. With MPlace, you can make offers within your budget directly to professionals. They can quickly accept your offer and receive your documents, helping you get started sooner.

Once your team gets started, you can monitor their time through the MPlace dashboard and adjust your timeline accordingly.

5. Build Relationships for the Future

Surprises are inevitable when you’re involved in a case, but strong relationships and partnerships can help you navigate those surprises effectively and better serve your clients.

MPlace uses a two-way rating system that allows you to see how other firms rate potential professionals and their work. This transparency helps you find reliable and licensed lawyers. You can find new talent and build long-term relationships within the online platform.

Arm Your Legal Team With Speed

MPlace is the nextgen of legal staffing. Software and AI are useful tools, but document review still needs accomplished professionals. With MPlace’s transparency, speed, and efficiency, your firm and your case will have a sharper edge.

For a simpler review staffing process, try MPlace. Request a demo today.


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